Grades K–12 |
- Grade 1
1.1: My World: Home, School, Community
- 1.2: Moving Forward with the Past: My Family, My History and My Community
- Grade 2
2.1: Canada's Dynamic Communities
- 2.2: A Community in the Past
- Grade 3
3.1: Communities in the World
- 3.2: Global Citizenship
- Grade 4
4.1: Alberta: A Sense of the Land
- 4.2: The Stories, Histories and Peoples of Alberta
- 4.3: Alberta: Celebrations and Challenges
- Grade 5
5.1: Physical Geography of Canada
- 5.2: Histories and Stories of Ways of Life in Canada
- 5.3: Canada: Shaping an Identity
- Grade 6
6.1: Citizens Participating in Decision Making
- 6.2: Historical Models of Democracy: Ancient Athens and the Iroquois Confederacy
- Grade 7
7.1: Toward Confederation
- 7.2: Following Confederation: Canadian Expansions
- Grade 8
8.1: From Isolation to Adaptation: Japan
- 8.2: Origins of a Western Worldview: Renaissance Europe
- 8.3: Worldviews in Conflict: The Spanish and the Aztecs
- Grade 9
9.1: Issues for Canadians: Governance and Rights
- 9.2: Issues for Canadians: Economic Systems in Canada and the United States
- Grade 10
10-1: Perspectives on Globalization
- 10-2: Living in a Globalizing World
Grade 11
20-1: Perspectives on Nationalism
- 20-2: Understandings of Nationalism
- Grade 12
30-1: Perspectives on Ideology
- 30-2: Understandings of Ideologies