Guide to Career and Technology Studies (CTS)

Task Analyses and Hazard Controls


To access the task analyses and hazard controls for each cluster, click on the boxes in the table below. (NOTE: Not all occupational areas have task analyses and hazard controls at this time.)


BIT (Business, Administration, Finance, & Information Technology)

Computing Science (CSE)


Enterprise & Innovation (ENT)


Financial Managment (FIN)


Information Processing (INF)


Management & Marketing (MAM)


Networking (NET)

HRH (Health, Recreation, & Human Services)

Community Care Services (CCS)


Cosmetology (COS)


Esthetics (EST)


Foods (FOD)


Health Care Services (HCS)


Human & Social Services (HSS)


Legal Studies (LGS)


Recreation Leadership (REC)


Tourism (TOU)

MDC (Media, Design, & Communication Arts)

NAT (Natural Resources)

TMT (Trades, Manufacturing, & Transportation)