Task Analyses and Hazard Controls
To access the task analyses and hazard controls for each cluster, click on the boxes in the table below. (NOTE: Not all occupational areas have task analyses and hazard controls at this time.)
BIT (Business, Administration, Finance, & Information Technology)
Computing Science (CSE)
Enterprise & Innovation (ENT)
Financial Managment (FIN)
Information Processing (INF)
Management & Marketing (MAM)
Networking (NET)
HRH (Health, Recreation, & Human Services)
Community Care Services (CCS)
Cosmetology (COS)
Esthetics (EST)
Foods (FOD)
Health Care Services (HCS)
Human & Social Services (HSS)
Legal Studies (LGS)
Recreation Leadership (REC)
Tourism (TOU)
MDC (Media, Design, & Communication Arts)
NAT (Natural Resources)
Agriculture (AGR)
Environmental Stewardship (ENS)
Forestry (FOR)
Primary Resources (PRS)