Guide to Career and Technology Studies (CTS)

Managing a CTS Facility


During the School Year


Each school requires protocols related to the management of a CTS facility. It is important for the CTS teacher to clarify these protocols with the school administration. Some areas to discuss may include:

  • safety
  • budget and management of supplies
  • inventory management
  • facility and equipment management

Preparing for Summer Break


In order to prepare a CTS facility for the summer break, the CTS teacher must adhere to school authority policies and practices that may include the following:

  • Leave tools, supplies, and facility in the best possible condition; e.g., repair tools, if possible, or send to maintenance, sharpen tools, loosen belts, unplug small equipment and power tools, secure all equipment.

  • Dispose of perishable products and correctly store supplies.

  • Turn off compressed air and electrical power and lock the CTS facility power panel, where possible.

  • Empty, clean, and unplug refrigerators and freezers; turn off their power supplies and leave the doors open.

  • Ensure that an inventory of equipment takes place for the classroom/facility and kept with the appropriate school personnel.

Record Keeping


CTS prerequisite courses must be tracked by designated school personnel during CTS pathway planning to ensure that

  • students have the required competencies included in prerequisite CTS courses
  • schools receive CEU funding for delivered CTS courses

Teachers are required to provide evidence of learning by tracking various assessment results (formative and summative) and submit a final mark for each CTS course. Like all Alberta programs of study, an overall course mark of 50 percent is required to achieve credit.


It is the responsibility of the school administration to manage and store records of student course completion for seven years. In particular, it is recommended that the CTS project and CTS practicum templates be completed and stored by the school for each student accessing CTS project and CTS practicum courses. These records provide evidence that all of the CTS project and CTS practicum course parameters were met.