Guide to Career and Technology Studies (CTS)
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Career Planning with Students
Role of the Counsellor
The role of the school counsellor in CTS is one of helping students make effective career decisions through awareness and preparation. Counsellors can help students plan their senior high school program and identify pathways, occupational areas, and courses most appropriate to
- long- and short-term goals
- interests and aptitudes
- learning styles and abilities
Through effective partnerships with other school personnel, counsellors can assume a key role in coaching students to
- explore a range of career and occupational opportunities
- explore possible pathways, both specialized and credentialed
- plan the necessary steps to meet entry-level requirements for particular career choices
- ensure prerequisite courses are identified
- negotiate effective transitions to the workplace or related post-secondary programs
Counsellors can also help teachers and administrators determine which clusters and courses should be made available to students and then help students, parents, and community partners understand the nature and structure of the CTS program.