Student writing sample:
She was eat ice-crem
She drob the ice-crem
She is crid
Level 1: Uses a few utility words (eat, ice cream, dropped, cried) and descriptive words (no evidence) related to familiar objects and personal experiences.
Level 2: Uses some utility, descriptive and subject specific words related to familiar objects, actions and topics.
Uses past tense (was, cried). There are tense errors and omissions (was eat(ing), drop(ped), she is cried = she cried or she was crying).
Writes simple sentences (She dropped the ice-cream.) independently.
Spells familiar words (she, was, eat, ice, is).
Completes patterned sentences with some understanding of purpose (she is, she was, she is).
Level 1: Connects two or more words to create sentences and phrases (was eating ice cream).
Level 2: Connects words in simple sentences with "and" and "then."
Level 1: Edits for sight words with support (She was eat, the, is).
Approaching Level 2: Edits capitals at the beginning of sentences.