Grade 8 Level 3 Writing Sample

Global warming has become a serious threat to our planet. Explain what we can do as citizens to reduce the effects of global warming. You may want to consider factors, such as:

  • recycling
  • the impact of fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal)
  • the impact of consumerism (buying things).
Student Example

Student writing sample:

As we all know Global warming has become a major threat to our Planet Earth. It is our duty to look towards it and actThe main reason iss responsible are, is pollution. To reduce global warming we should recycle and reuse. We should not accept plastic bags when we go for shopping. Instead we should ask for paper or cloth bags. We should ou avoid using motorvechical if we can walk on foot or we can use bycycle. We should not throw plastic waste on ground but put it in the bin. We should not smoke because it cause pollution.  We should be careful in using water and fossil fuels shu such as oil, gas, coal, etc. So tho these are some measures that are to be taken to control global warming and make our mother earth healthy once again.

Uses a range of utility words (bags, ground, water), descriptive words (major, plastic, waste, paper, cloth, some), subject-specific words (planet earth, pollution, global warming, recycle, reuse, fossil fuels, oil, gas, coal) and academic words (threat, act) related to curricular content.

Uses regular plurals (bags, measures), possessive pronouns (our), prepositional phrases (in the bin, to be taken), regular verbs in continuous (using, shopping) and simple past tenses (no evidence), and irregular verbs in continuous (no evidence) and simple past tenses (no evidence) with more control of agreement and tense. (Writing contains modals and a variety of verbs in present perfect tenses.)

Writes simple, compound and complex sentences and ideas in logical sequence and detailed paragraphs (We should avoid using motorvechical [motor vehicle] if we can walk on foot or we can use bycycle [bicycle].).

Uses known phrases (We should …), common expressions (As we all know …, It is our duty …, mother earth) and cognates (control).

Produces text for specific purposes. Writes explanation and includes related factors in response to prompt (The main reason responsible is pollution. To reduce global warming we should recycle and reuse.).

Level 3: Connects ideas in a basic paragraph using conjunctions (and, but, because, so), time markers (when, once again) and sequence markers (no evidence).
Approaching Level 4: Uses transition words (insted [Instead]).

Level 2: Edits for end punctuation (.), commas in a list (oil, gas, coal), simple tenses (go, are, make), regular spelling (should, careful, such as) and addition of details.
Approaching Level 3: Edits for apostrophes, quotation marks, tenses and common irregularly spelled words.

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This collection of grade-level writing samples provides teachers of English Language Learners with examples of student writing at each proficiency level. Teachers can use these interactive examples to build their understanding of the different writing competencies and levels within the Benchmarks.

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  2. Select the competency you wish to view. Boxes in the corresponding colour will highlight the text in the sample and display an explanation of the competency below.
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