The inch is a unit of length in the Imperial System of Units.
The abbreviation for inch (or inches) is “in”.
Sometimes the symbol ” is used for the abbreviation “in”
Example: 5 in = 5”
A distance of one inch is slightly less than the diameter of a Canadian dollar coin (a loonie).
1 inch = 2.54 centimetres
1 foot = 12 inches
1 yard = 36 inches
1 mile = 63 360 inches
Unlike units in the SI system, the inch is not usually divided into units of ten, it is commonly divided into units of powers of two.
The inch is usually divided into quarters [quarter of an inch (22 = 4)], eighths [eighths of an inch (23 = 8)], or sixteenths [sixteenths of an inch (24 = 16)], as shown below.