A Biconditional Sentence

When a transversal intersects two lines, the two lines are parallel if and only if alternate angles are congruent.

The biconditional sentence above compactly states the following four conditional sentences:

When a transversal intersects two lines,:

More on Biconditional Sentences

If "P" represents one statement and "Q" represents another statement, then "If P then Q" is called a conditional sentence symbolized as "P → Q"

The following four conditional sentences can be considered:

Biconditional Sentence Consequences

The biconditional sentence P if and only if Q states that the conditional sentence, its converse, inverse and contrapositive are all true.

Using the biconditional sentence of this example, it is given that "a transversal intersects two lines". The remaining part of the sentence can be broken up into the two parts below.

P: two lines are parallel

Q: alternate angles are congruent

P if and only if Q [i.e. P Q] results in the following:

When a transversal intersects two lines,: