Adding and Subtracting Number to 100
Strand: Number
Outcomes: 8, 9
Step 4: Assess Student Learning
Guiding Questions
- Look back at what you determined as acceptable evidence in Step 2.
- What are the most appropriate methods and activities for assessing student learning?
- How will I align my assessment strategies with my teaching strategies?
Sample Assessment Tasks
In addition to ongoing assessment throughout the lessons, consider the following sample activities to evaluate students' learning at key milestones. Suggestions are given for assessing all students as a class or in groups, individual students in need of further evaluation and individual or groups of students in a variety of contexts.
A. Whole Class/Group Assessment
Examples of Whole Class/Group Assessment 
B. One-on-One Assessment
Examples of One on One Assessment 
C. Applied Learning
Provide opportunities for students to use addition and subtraction in a practical situation and notice whether or not the strategies transfer. For example, ask a student to compare heights of students to the heights of each other, their parents or the teacher.
Does the student:
- obtain the two measures using nonstandard units and compare them in some way?
- use a personal strategy that makes sense in comparing the two measures?
There can be many other opportunities to add and subtract in authentic problems. Students can keep data on the daily temperature to compare, on money collected so far for a field trip and how much is still to come in, on the number of library books signed out by their class each week and how many overdue books their class has, on the number of students going home for lunch, staying at school or buying milk. Working on data collection and graphing in interesting ways will encourage students to suggest topics for which they would like to collect data. All of the data collected provides opportunities for mathematics. Some questions and recording methods to get students started might include:
- How many students have an 'o' in their first name? Have the students place an "o"-shaped cereal on one of two sucker sticks or pipe cleaners that are stuck in a ball of Plasticine. In front of one stick place a card that states "Yes" and in front of the other card stating, "No."
- Are you oldest, youngest, only or none of these in your family? Display a chart that states these headings in four columns. Give the students each a self-adhesive coloured dot to place on the chart in the appropriate column.
When an opportunity to add or subtract arises that can be integrated with your mathematics, it is important to observe how the students go about solving the challenges and having them share their personal strategies. It benefits the other students who learn from them and allows you to assess the transfer of their mathematics lessons to general practice.
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