Strand: Number
Outcome: 3
Step 4: Assess Student Learning
Guiding Questions
- Look back at what you determined as acceptable evidence in Step 2.
- What are the most appropriate methods and activities for assessing student learning?
- How will I align my assessment strategies with my teaching strategies?
Sample Assessment Tasks
In addition to ongoing assessment throughout the lessons, consider the following sample activities to evaluate students' learning at key milestones. Suggestions are given for assessing all students as a class or in groups, individual students in need of further evaluation and individual or groups of students in a variety of contexts.
A. Whole Class/Group Assessment
Examples of Whole Class/Group Assessment 
B. One-on-One Assessment
Examples of One on One Assessment 
C. Applied Learning
Provide opportunities for the students to use what they have learned about percents from 0% to 1% and greater than 100% in a practical situation and assess whether or not knowledge transfers.
Activity 1: Have the students look for articles (not advertisements) in which percents are used. Choose one to present to the class. In your presentation, explain the meaning of percents.
Activity 2: Provide the students with six copies of a cartoon or drawing, including one full size, three reductions and two enlargements. Have the students work in groups to figure out what percent was used for each reduction and enlargement. The groups should record their solutions and be prepared to share an explanation of the procedures they used with the class.
Activities 1 and 2 adapted from Burns, Marilyn. About Teaching Mathematics: A K–8 Resource, Second Edition, p. 250. Copyright © 2000 by Math Solutions Publications. Adapted by permission. All rights reserved. (Note: This title is now in its third edition, copyright © 2007.)
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