Surface Area and Volume
Strand: Shape and Space (Measurement)
Outcomes: 3, 4
Step 5: Follow-up on Assessment
Guiding Questions
- What conclusions can be made from assessment information?
- How effective have instructional approaches been?
- What are the next steps in instruction?
A. Addressing Gaps in Learning
Ways to Address Gaps in Learning 
B. Reinforcing and Extending Learning
Students who have achieved or exceeded the outcomes will benefit from ongoing opportunities to apply and extend their learning. These activities should support students in developing a deeper understanding of the concept and should not progress to the outcomes in subsequent grades.
Consider activities such as:
- Find the area of a trapezoid.
- Develop the formula for the surface area of a sphere.
- Study the relationship between the area of a circle and the surface area of a sphere.
- Connect volume to whole number factor triples; e.g., find the factor triples that correspond to a volume of 24 cubic inches.
- Calculate the volume of a composite figure.