Planning GuideKindergarten
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Repeating Patterns

Strand: Patterns and Relations (Patterns)
Outcome: 1

Step 2: Determine Evidence of Student Learning

Guiding Questions

  • What evidence will I look for to know that learning has occurred?
  • What should students demonstrate to show their understanding of the mathematical concepts, skills and Big Ideas?

Using Achievement Indicators

As you begin planning lessons and learning activities, keep in mind ongoing ways to monitor and assess student learning. One starting point for this planning is to consider the achievement indicators listed in The Alberta K–9 Mathematics Program of Studies with Achievement Indicators. You may also generate your own indicators and use these to guide your observation of students.

The following achievement indicators may be used to determine whether students have met this specific outcome.

  • Distinguish between repeating patterns and nonrepeating sequences in a given set by identifying the part that repeats.
  • Copy a given repeating pattern, e.g., action, sound, colour, size, shape, orientation, and describe the pattern.
  • Extend a variety of given repeating patterns to two more repetitions.
  • Create a repeating pattern using manipulatives, musical instruments or actions and describe the pattern.
  • Identify and describe a repeating pattern in the classroom, school and outdoors; e.g., in a familiar song, in a nursery rhyme.

Some sample behaviours to look for in relation to these indicators are suggested for many of the instructional activities in Step 3, Section C, Choosing Learning Activities.