Session Three
Introduce the challenge.
- Ask students, individually or in pairs, to undertake the critical task:
Design a persuasive and effective visual to convince others to take action on your issue.
Students should apply what they have learned about advertising techniques to create a persuasive and effective poster, advertisement, brochure, collage or electronic slide show presentation.
Design the visual.
- Suggest that each student or team proceed in the following manner to develop its visual:
- Identify an issue.
- Determine or review the key concepts of the issue that should be represented on the visual.
- Think about the characteristics and needs of the audience.
- Plan possible persuasive technique(s).
- Identify the methods to be used to produce an effective visual.
- Prepare a rough draft of the visual. Consider printing the text on sticky notes or slips of paper and then organize the text and images without attaching them permanently.
- Participate in a peer review (see Session Four).
- Revise the draft visual in response to the peer feedback and to ensure that it meets the four criteria identified previously.
- Complete the final copy of the poster.
You may want students to complete a Visuals Planning Checklist to assist them in identifying the techniques they will use.