Suggested Activities
In this challenge, students reflect on the benefits of belonging to groups or communities. To introduce the lesson, point out that many young people take part in activities outside of school. Invite students to act out some aspect of a group they belong to or interests they have, while the other students guess the activity (e.g., figure skating, Métis, Ukrainian or Powow dancing, playing an instrument, learning a language, being a Brownie or Cub). Read aloud several stories (e.g., Franklin Wants a Badge, Brady Brady and the Twirlin' Torpedo, My Leafs Sweater) that reflect teams, groups, clubs and hobbies. Discuss the characteristics of groups (e.g., the symbols that represent them, colours or clothing worn, chants, mottos).
Invite students to create a poster or collage (or a Web page) to tell about a group that interests them. Display a number of samples and help students to develop criteria for an effective visual presentation (e.g., interesting pictures, simple captions, shows why belonging is fun). Ask students to work in small groups based on common interests, teams, lessons, clubs or sports. (Students need not actually belong to the group.) Invite groups to share their completed posters and discuss how they benefit from belonging to groups.