Choose and implement a new celebration for giving thanks in your school community.
Specific Outcomes
This critical challenge may address these outcomes:
Specific Outcome
Students will recognize how their families and communities might have been different in the past than they are today
Specific Outcome
Students will appreciate how the languages, traditions, celebrations and stories of their families, groups and communities contribute to their sense of identity
Specific Outcome
What connections do we have go the Aboriginal, Francophone and diverse cultures found in our communities?
Specific Outcome
What are some examples of traditions, celebrations and stories that started in the past and continue today in their families and communities?
Specific Outcome 1.S.1.1
Students will examine ideas and information from varied sources
Specific Outcome 1.S.1.2
Students will choose and justify a course of action
Specific Outcome 1.S.2.1
Students will recognize that some activities or events occur on a seasonal basis
Specific Outcome 1.S.5.1
Students will consider the ideas and suggestions of others
Specific Outcome 1.S.7.2
Students will compare and contrast information gathered