Social Studies – Grade 10 Close this window
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Global Media and Identity

To what extent does global advertising support cultural diversity or homogenization?

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources


Title: Disney Online: Where the Magic Comes to You!
Host: Disney Enterprises, Inc.
Description: The Web site contains information about the Walt Disney Company and its theme parks in different countries.
Navigation Tips: Scroll down to Disney Parks and Resorts to access information about Disney`s presence in other parts of the world.


Host: Nike Inc.
Description: The website contains information about the Nike Corporation.
Navigation Tips: Select a language by clicking on it and then click the country or continent that you wish to choose. Change regions by clicking on the change region symbol in the bottom left-hand corner of the page.


Title: McDonald’s
Host: McDonald’s Corporation
Description: The Web site contains information about McDonald’s Corporation with links to sites in countries around the world.
Navigation Tips: Click on topic bars across the top of the page to access information or click on Select Country/Market and choose a country from the drop-down menu to visit other McDonald’s Web sites.


Title: The Coca-Cola Company
Host: The Coca-Cola Company
Description: The website contains information about the Coca-Cola Company and its presence in North America as well as other parts of the world.
Navigation Tips: Click on the links in the text or on the topics in the menu or to access information.
Note: Click on Brands, then on Virtual Vender to access a virtual vending machine that dispenses information about nearly 400 Coke beverages in over 200 countries.
Last updated: October 24, 2017 | (Revision History)
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