Formulate a balanced explanation of the key aspects of globalization and the main challenges and opportunities they present for Canadians and people in other countries.
These Web sites can be used to generate a list of relevant headlines or as a source for background knowledge on the issues of globalization and Aboriginal peoples.
The Mackenzie Valley pipeline:37 years of negotiation
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
The Web site contains information about Mackenzie Valley gas pipeline— the proposed gas pipeline from Beaufort Sea to markets in southern Canada and the United States, Mr. Justice Thomas Berger’s inquiry and recommendation, as well as the current status of the project.
Navigation Tips:
Scroll down to access complete text and click on topics in the right-hand-side menu to access additional related information.
The website contains a summary of various element of the Indigenous rights movement in Canada, and explores various concepts relating to identity, culture, rights and policies
Navigation Tips:
Click on the topics in the left-hand side menu to access articles about Indigenous peoples.
The Web site contains a summary of a documentary film about a nine-metre-high totem pole that was taken from the Haisla people of northwest British Columbia in 1929 and was recently discovered in a Stockholm museum where it is now considered state property by the Swedish government.
Navigation Tips:
Scroll down to read a description of the film. Click on View Excerpt to view a film clip. Click on Images and Other Media to view promotional stills.
The Web site contains a complete netcast of the PBS
Television program, Commanding Heights. Episodes
are subdivided into chapters, are captioned and have enhanced interactive content. Globalization, world trade, economic development, and forces, values, events, and ideas that have shaped the present global economic systems are examined. A database of countries, an educator’s guide, print resources and related links are provided.
Navigation Tips:
Scroll over menu items to access related information or enter a search term in the search box.
The Web site contains a summary of a documentary film about a group of unemployed workers who took over a bankrupt factory in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2001, and ran it without bosses.
Navigation Tips:
Click on “See the Film” to see the trailer. Scroll down to read a description of the Film. Click on “The Movement “to read related stories.