What feelings and ideas can we draw from each community's music and dance?
Specific Outcomes
This critical challenge may address these outcomes:
Specific Outcome
What are the cultural characteristics of the communities (e.g., special symbols, landmarks, language spoken, shared stories or traditions, monuments, schools, churches)?
Specific Outcome
What are the traditions and celebrations in the communities that connect the people to the past and to each other?
Specific Outcome
How are the communities strengthened by their stories, traditions and events of the past?
Specific Outcome
How do the cultural and linguistic characteristics of the communities studied contribute to Canada's identity?
Specific Outcome
What is unique about their community?
Specific Outcome 2.S.7.4
Students will access and retrieve appropriate information from electronic sources for a specific inquiry
Specific Outcome 2.S.7.9
Students will draw conclusions from organized information