Social Studies – Grade 3 Close this window
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How Communities Work Together

What can we learn about enhancing our own class community from our study of the ways that the four profiled communities choose leaders, make decisions, maintain peace, cooperate and respect diversity?

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources

Specific Outcomes

This critical challenge may address these outcomes:

Specific Outcome - How are the various leaders chosen in the communities (e.g., within families, within schools, within communities, within government)?
Specific Outcome - How are decisions made in the communities? Who is responsible for making the decisions?
Specific Outcome - How do the individuals and groups in the communities maintain peace?
Specific Outcome - How do the individuals and groups in the communities cooperate and share with other group members?
Specific Outcome 3.S.1.1 - Students will evaluate ideas and information from different points of view
Specific Outcome 3.S.1.2 - Students will choose and justify a course of action
Specific Outcome 3.S.1.3 - Students will generate original ideas and strategies in individual and group activities
Specific Outcome 3.S.4.3 - Students will collaborate with others to devise strategies for dealing with problems and issues
Specific Outcome 3.S.4.4 - Students will use technology to organize and display data in a problem-solving context
Specific Outcome 3.S.5.2 - Students will demonstrate willingness to seek consensus among members of a work group
Specific Outcome 3.S.5.3 - Students will consider the needs and points of view of others
Specific Outcome 3.S.5.4 - Students will work and play in harmony with others to create a safe and caring environment
Specific Outcome 3.S.7.5 - Students will access and retrieve appropriate information from electronic sources for a specific inquiry
Specific Outcome 3.S.7.7 - Students will organize information from more than one source
Specific Outcome 3.S.7.8 - Students will process information from more than one source to retell what has been discovered
Specific Outcome 3.S.7.9 - Students will draw conclusions from organized information
Specific Outcome - How is cultural diversity expressed within each community?
C Citizenship
ER Economics and Resources
CC Culture and Community
I Identity
LPP The Land: Places and People
GC Global Connections
TCC Time, Continuity and Change
PADM Power, Authority, and Decision Making
Last updated: July 1, 2014 | (Revision History)
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