Decorate the inside and outside of a commemorative box to show both the influence of a specific person on a community and the impact of that community on the person's identity.
Specific Outcomes
This critical challenge may address these outcomes:
Specific Outcome
Students will recognize how an understanding of Canadian history and the stories of its peoples contribute to their sense of identity (I, TCC)
Specific Outcome
Students will acknowledge the contributions made by diverse cultural groups to the evolution of Canada (CC, I, TCC)
Specific Outcome
Students will recognize how changes in society can affect identity (CC, I)
Specific Outcome 5.S.1.2
Students will evaluate ideas, information and positions from multiple perspectives
Specific Outcome 5.S.7.1
Students will determine themes, patterns and trends from information gathered
Specific Outcome 5.S.8.4
Students will create visual images for particular audiences and purposes
Specific Outcome 5.S.8.7
Students will communicate effectively through appropriate forms, such as speeches, reports and multimedia presentations, applying information technologies that serve particular audiences and purposes