Choose the top five geographical features and natural resources that have the greatest impact on the quality of life in Canada.
Specific Outcomes
This critical challenge may address these outcomes:
Specific Outcome
Students will appreciate the variety and abundance of natural resources in Canada (ER, LPP)
Specific Outcome
Students will appreciate the diversity of geographic phenomena in Canada (LPP)
Specific Outcome
Students will appreciate how the land sustains communities and the diverse ways that people have of living with the land (GC, LPP)
Specific Outcome
Students will appreciate the geographic vastness of Canada (LPP)
Specific Outcome
What are the major geographical regions, landforms and bodies of water in Canada? (LPP)
Specific Outcome
How do landforms, bodies of water and natural resources affect the quality of life in Canada? (LPP)
Specific Outcome
How are natural resources used, exchanged and conserved in Canada? (ER, LPP)
Specific Outcome 5.S.1.3
Students will re-evaluate personal opinions to broaden understanding of a topic or an issue
Specific Outcome 5.S.1.4
Students will generate original ideas and strategies in situations of individual and group activities
Specific Outcome 5.S.6.1
Students will demonstrate commitment to the well-being of the school or community by volunteering to help where needed
Specific Outcome 5.S.8.3
Students will listen to others to understand their perspectives
Specific Outcome 5.S.8.4
Students will create visual images for particular audiences and purposes
Specific Outcome 5.S.8.7
Students will communicate effectively through appropriate forms, such as speeches, reports and multimedia presentations, applying information technologies that serve particular audiences and purposes