Social Studies – Grade 6 Close this window
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Stepping into the Picture

Bring a picture to life by scripting a plausible conversation between ancient Athenians or members of the Iroquois Confederacy that accurately reflects the relationship between their values and their model of government.

Suggested Activities Outcomes (selected) References Related Resources

Specific Outcomes

This critical challenge may address these outcomes:

Specific Outcome 6.2.1 - Students will appreciate the relationship between the values of a society and the model of government adopted within a society (PADM)
Specific Outcome 6.2.2 - Students will value the role of participation by citizens in diverse democratic societies (C, PADM)
Specific Outcome - How did identity, status and class structure impact citizenship in ancient Athens? (C, I)
Specific Outcome - How did the social structure of ancient Athens impact its political structure? (CC, PADM)
Specific Outcome - What was the role and status of women within the Iroquois Confederacy? (I, PADM)
Specific Outcome - How did the social structure of the Iroquois Confederacy impact its political structure? (CC, PADM)
Specific Outcome 6.S.1.4 - Students will generate original ideas and strategies in individual and group activities
Specific Outcome 6.S.2.3 - Students will explain the historical contexts of key events of a given time period
Specific Outcome 6.S.4.1 - Students will propose and apply new ideas, strategies and options, supported with facts and reasons, to contribute to decision making and problem solving
Specific Outcome 6.S.4.3 - Students will collaborate with others to devise strategies for dealing with problems and issues
Specific Outcome 6.S.5.2 - Students will work collaboratively with others to achieve a common goal
Specific Outcome 6.S.7.4 - Students will draw and support conclusions based on information gathered to answer a research question
Specific Outcome 6.S.7.8 - Students will access and retrieve appropriate information from the Internet by using a specific search path or from given uniform resource locators (URLs)
Specific Outcome 6.S.8.2 - Students will express reasons for their ideas and opinions, in oral or written form
Specific Outcome 6.S.8.5 - Students will listen to others to understand their perspectives
C Citizenship
ER Economics and Resources
CC Culture and Community
I Identity
LPP The Land: Places and People
GC Global Connections
TCC Time, Continuity and Change
PADM Power, Authority, and Decision Making
Last updated: July 1, 2014 | (Revision History)
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