Social Studies – Grade 7 Close this window
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Political and Military Conflicts

  • Rate the impact on Aboriginal, Canadien and British peoples of one of the following conflicts: the Battle on the Plains of Abraham (i.e., Seven Years' War), the American Revolution, the War of 1812 or the two rebellions of 1837.
  • Predict what might have happened if any of these conflicts had turned out differently.

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources

Specific Outcomes

This critical challenge may address these outcomes:

Specific Outcome 7.1.1 - Students will appreciate the influence of diverse Aboriginal, French and British peoples on events leading to Confederation
Specific Outcome 7.1.2 - Students will appreciate the challenges of co-existence among peoples
Specific Outcome - To what extent was the Battle of the Plains of Abraham the key event in achieving British control over North America? (TCC, LPP, GC)
Specific Outcome - How was British North America impacted by rebellion in the 13 colonies and by the subsequent Loyalist migration? (LPP, ER, TCC)
Specific Outcome - What was the role and intent of Chief Pontiac in controlling British forts? (PADM, TCC)
Specific Outcome - How was the Royal Proclamation of 1763 an attempt to achieve compromise between the Aboriginal peoples, the French and the British? (PADM, TCC)
Specific Outcome - How did the Québec Act of 1774 contribute to the foundations of Canada as an officially bilingual country? (PADM, TCC)
Specific Outcome - What was the role of Chief Tecumseh in the War of 1812? (PADM, TCC)
Specific Outcome - How did the War of 1812 contribute to British identity in Canada? (I, LPP, TCC)
Specific Outcome - How was the Great Migration of 1815-1850 in Upper Canada and Lower Canada an attempt to confirm British identity in the Province of Canada? (LPP, I, TCC)
Specific Outcome 7.S.2.1 - Students will analyze historical issues to form or support an opinion
Specific Outcome 7.S.8.2 - Students will use skills of informal debate to persuasively express differing viewpoints regarding an issue
C Citizenship
ER Economics and Resources
CC Culture and Community
I Identity
LPP The Land: Places and People
GC Global Connections
TCC Time, Continuity and Change
PADM Power, Authority, and Decision Making
Last updated: July 1, 2014 | (Revision History)
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