Social Studies – Grade 7 Close this window
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Rewriting Historical Events

Rewrite a historical event, based on a specific perspective, using relevant and available evidence.

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources


Title: History by the Minute: Historica Minutes
Host: Historica Foundation of Canada.
Description: This website contains one-minute movies that portray stories from Canada's past.
Navigation Tips: Click on any category in the left-hand-side menu to display a list of topics within that category. Click on a topic to play the one-minute movie.
Note: Click on Minutes Plus Lesson Plans to access lesson plans prepared for specific Minutes.


Title: The Canadian Encyclopedia
Host: Historica Canada
Description: This website contains the entire content of The Canadian Encyclopedia.


Title: Welcome to Library and Archives Canada
Host: Library and Archives Canada.
Description: This website contains information about Library and Archives Canada collection and services, as well as direct access to the online resources
Navigation Tips: Click on Our Collection in the left-hand-side menu for a comprehensive list of accessible resources and services and for additional instructions on how to use the site.


Title: Pathfinders and Passageways: The Exploration of Canada. Introduction
Host: Library and Archives Canada
Description: This website addresses the question of who discovered and explored Canada.
Navigation Tips: Click on the highlighted words within the text or on the topics in the left-hand-side menu to access information.


Title: Passageways: True Tales of Adventure for Young Explorers. First Nations and Inuit
Host: Library and Archives Canada
Description: This website contains information about such topics as prehistory, pre-contact, exploration, fur trade and the role of First Nations and Inuit women.
Navigation Tips: Click on the topics in the left-hand-side menu and on the highlighted words within the text to access information.
Last updated: October 20, 2017 | (Revision History)
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