Social Studies – Grade 9 Close this window
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Holding Them to Task

  • Assess the effectiveness of our current federal practices in promoting and holding accountable elected and nonelected government officials.
  • Write a persuasive paragraph arguing in favour of or against the effectiveness of Canada's current processes for selecting government officials.

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources


Title: Canada’s Performance 2010-11: The Year in Review
Host: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Description: This website contains a Treasury Board report rating the government of Canada’s performance in 2010-11.
Navigation Tips: Click on a link to access specific information or scroll to the bottom of the screen to access the summary.


Title: The Heart of the Matter: Character and Citizenship Education in Alberta – Appendix H: Graphic Organizers
Host: Alberta Education
Description: This website contains a PDF P–M–I Decision-making Chart (Appendix H–3) from the character and citizenship education resource, The Heart of the Matter.
Navigation Tips: Scroll down to page 231 to access the P–M–I Decision-making Chart or click on the page icon on the left side to access a thumbnail of the page.
Last updated: October 23, 2017 | (Revision History)
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