Grade 10 Key IssuesGrade 10 In order to address the key issue and key outcome for each of 10-1 and 10-2 courses, students will address four related issues (RI) and general outcomes (GO). For example, in 10-1 students will address four related issues, one of which is RI 4: "To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization?" The general outcome for this related issue is "Students will assess their roles and responsibilities in a globalizing world.". In 10-2, students also address four related issues, all of which are very similar to those issues in 10-1. However, the 10-2 issues are somewhat different. For example, RI 4 is "Should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization?". The general outcome for 10-2 is: "Students will examine their roles and responsibilities in a globalizing world.". Specific outcomes (SO) are listed in two groups: values and attitudes, and knowledge and understanding. Specific strands are identified in parentheses following each specific outcome. For example, in 10-2, under values and attitudes, SO 4.3 is "Students will accept political, social and environmental responsibilities associated with global citizenship (C, GC, ER)." Under knowledge and understanding, SO 4.4 is "Students will explore various understandings of quality of life (GC)." In some specific outcomes, prescribed examples appear in parentheses at the end of the specific outcome. For example, six prescribed examples are included in10-2 SO4.8: "Students will examine how globalization affects individuals and communities (migration, technology, agricultural issues, pandemics, resource issues, contemporary issues) (GC, LPP)." Teachers are required to cover prescribed topics in the parentheses, but if they choose to do so, they may also take up additional examples. About 10-1/10-2 Globalization is the common theme of 10-1 Perspectives on Globalization and 10-2 Living in a Globalizing World. Both sequences ask students to address the same key issue: "To what extent should we embrace globalization?" Both sequences includethesame key outcome: "Students will understand, assess and respond to the complexities of globalization." 10-1 Students in 10-1will explore multiple perspectives on the impacts of globalization on the lands, cultures, economies, human rights and quality of life of peoples in Canada and around the world. Students are required to address four related issues and general outcomes to address the key issue "To what extent should we embrace globalization?". In related issue RI 1, students examine "To what extent should globalization shape identity?" General outcome GO 1 requires students to explore the impacts of globalization on their lives.Students explore understandings of globalization as well as analyze the opportunities and challenges presented by globalization to individual and collective identities. In related issue RI 2, students examine "To what extent should contemporary society respond to the legacies of historical globalization?" General outcome GO 2 requires students to assess the impacts of historical globalization on Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Students explore the impacts of historical globalization and imperialism in order to evaluate attempts to address their consequences on Indigenous peoples. In related issue RI 3, students explore "To what extent does globalization contribute to sustainable prosperity for all people?" General outcome GO 3 asks students to assess economic, environmental and other contemporary impacts of globalization. Through an examination of the understandings and foundations of contemporary globalization, students will explore the economic and environmental challenges and opportunities presented by globalization. In related issue RI 4, students examine "To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization?" In general outcome GO 4, students assess their roles and responsibilities in a globalizing world. As students analyze the impacts of globalization, they evaluate the roles of individuals and organizations in addressing the opportunities and challenges of globalization. They are also required to develop strategies to demonstrate active and responsible global citizenship. 10-2 Students explore historical aspects as well as the impacts of globalization on lands, cultures, human rights and quality of life of peoples in Canada and in the world. Focusing on the effects of globalization in Canada, students are required to address four related issues and general outcomes on the key issue "To what extent should we embrace globalization?" In related issue RI 1, students examine the question "Should globalization shape identity?" In general outcome GO 1 students explore the impacts of globalization on their lives. Students examine their understandings of globalization as well as analyze the opportunities and challenges presented by globalization to individual and collective identities within a Canadian context. In related issue RI 2, students consider the question "Should people in Canada respond to the legacies of historicalglobalization?" In general outcome GO 2, students attempt to understand the effects of historical globalization on Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Students explore the history and foundations of globalization in order to identify and analyze the impacts of historical globalization and imperialism on Indigenous peoples in Canada. In related issue RI 3, students examine the question "Does globalization contribute to sustainable prosperity for all people?" In general outcome GO 3, students understand economic, environmental and other contemporary impacts of globalization. To identify factors contributing to the expansion of globalization, students examine the economic and environmental challenges and opportunities presented by globalization. In related issue RI 4, students consider the question "Should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization?"In general outcome GO 4, students address their roles as citizens as they are asked to examine their roles and responsibilities in a globalizing world. Students examine the impacts of globalization on women, children and youth, individuals and communities as well as analyze how individuals and organizations can address the opportunities and challenges presented by globalization. |
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