Grade 11 Key IssuesNationalism is the theme of the two sequences in Grade 11: Perspectives on Nationalism in 20-1 and Understandings of Nationalism in 20-2. For both sequences the key issue is "To what extent should we embrace nationalism?" and the key outcome is "Students will understand, assess and respond to the complexities of nationalism." Social Studies 20-1 Students in 20-1will explore the complexities and origins of nationalism by investigating the impacts of nationalism on regional, international and global relations. Students are required to address four related issues and general outcomes in order to address the key issue "To what extent should we embrace nationalism?" Related Issue 1: To what extent should nation be the foundation of identity? General Outcome 1 requires students to "explore the relationships among identity, nation and nationalism " (GO 1).Students will explore various expressions and understandings of nation and nationalism by analyzing the development of nationalism and by evaluating the importance of nation in light of other contending nationalist and non-nationalist loyalties. Related Issue 2: To what extent should national interest be pursued? General Outcome 2 requires students to "assess the impacts of nationalism, ultra nationalism and the pursuit of national interest" (GO 2). Students will analyze the relationship between nationalism and the pursuit of national interest as well as the relationship between nationalism and ultra nationalism in times of conflict. Related Issue 3: To what extent should internationalism be pursued? General Outcome 3 requires students to "assess the impacts of the pursuit of internationalism in contemporary global affairs" (GO 3). Through an examination of the pursuit of internationalism, students will analyze the impacts of internationalism. They also will evaluate the extent to which nationalism should be sacrificed in the interest of internationalism. Related Issue 4: To what extent should individuals and groups in Canada embrace a national identity? General Outcome 4 requires students to "assess strategies for negotiating the complexities of nationalism within the Canadian context " (GO 4). Students will explore multiple perspectives on national identity in Canada. They also will evaluate various perspectives of future visions of Canada in order to develop personal and collective visions of national identity. Social Studies 20-2 Students in 20-2 will examine historical and contemporary understandings of nationalism. They also will examine nationalism, ultra nationalism, and internationalism from multiple perspectives. Students are required to address four related issues and general outcomes in 20-2 as they address the key issue "To what extent should we embrace nationalism?" Related Issue 1: Should nation be the foundation of identity? General Outcome 1 requires students to"explore the relationship among identity, nation and nationalism"(GO 1).Students will explore various expressions and understandings of nation and nationalism by examining the development of nationalism. They also will analyze the importance of nation in light of other contending loyalties. Related Issue 2: Should nations pursue national interest? General Outcome 2 requires students to "understand the impacts of nationalism, ultra nationalism and the pursuit of national interest" (GO 2). Students will examine the relationship between nationalism and the pursuit of national interest. They also will analyze nationalism and ultra nationalism in times of conflict. Related Issue 3:Should internationalism be pursued? General Outcome 3 requires students to "assess impacts of the pursuit of internationalism in contemporary global affairs" (GO 3). By examining the pursuit of internationalism, students will examine the impacts of internationalism. They also will evaluate the extent to which nationalism should be sacrificed in the interest of internationalism. Related Issue 4: Should individuals and groups in Canada embrace a national identity? General Outcome 4 requires students to "understand the complexities of nationalism within the Canadian context"(GO 4). Students will explore multiple perspectives on national identity in Canada. They also will analyze various future visions of Canada in order to develop personal and collective visions of national identity. |
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