Kindergarten–9 Big IdeasKindergarten The Kindergarten Program Statement (Revised September 2005) identifies student expectations related to citizenship and identity and incorporates key components and outcomes found in the Social Studies Kindergarten program. (Link: ) Skills and processes outcomes are to be infused within the context and exploration of the general outcomes for Kindergarten. In general outcome GO K.1 I Am Unique, students explore their individual uniqueness. In general outcome GO K.2 I Belong, students focus on their roles and responsibilities as members of one or more communities. Grade 1 Skills and processes outcomes are to be infused within the context and exploration of the general outcomes for Grade 1. In general outcome GO 1.1 My World: Home, School and Community, students focus on belonging, connecting, and seeing themselves as part of a larger world. In general outcome GO 1.2 Moving Forward with the Past: My Family, My History and My Community, students develop an understanding ofhow changes over time have influenced and impacted them and their families and communities. Skills and processes outcomes are to be infused within the context and exploration of the general outcomes for Grade 2. In general outcome GO 2.1 Canada’s Dynamic Communities, students explore the geographical, economic, cultural and linguistic characteristics of an Inuit, Acadian and prairie community in Canada. The chosen communities allow students to investigate the immensity, and appreciate the pluralistic nature, of Canada. Students develop an understanding that although Canadians may have different cultures and backgrounds, we share a common bond of citizenship. The inclusion of an Inuit community provides Aboriginal perspectives, introduces students to the diversity amongst Canada’s Indigenous peoples and reflects the vastness of the Canadian landscape. Inclusion of an Acadian community provides perspectives on Francophone-Canadians and also reflects the vastness of the Canadian landscape. In general outcome GO2.2 A Community in the Past, students explore the history and uniqueness of their own communities. General outcome GO 2.2 reinforces and extends the Grade 1 general outcome in GO 1.2 Moving Forward with the Past: My Family, My History and My Community. Skills and processes outcomes are to be infused within the context and exploration of the general outcomes for Grade 3. In general outcome GO 3.1 Communities in the World, students explore the factors that affect daily life and contribute to quality of life in chosen communities in India, Tunisia, Ukraine and Peru. These nations were chosen to reflect the diverse geographical, social, cultural and linguistic factors that impact quality of life in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America. As well, students develop an understanding that quality of life is not synonymous with standard of living. Skills and processes outcomes are to be infused within the context and exploration of the general outcomes for Grade 4. In general outcome GO 4.1 Alberta: A Sense of the Land, students explore the physical geography of Alberta in order to appreciate the diversity of Alberta’s geographical landscape. Students are asked to examine critically the physical geography of Alberta as well as analyze how Albertans interact with their environment. In general outcome GO 4.2 The Stories, Histories and Peoples of Alberta, students develop an appreciation of the stories and history of Alberta and Albertans. Stories not only bring history to life, they also provide a foundation for identity and develop a sense of belonging among Albertans. In general outcome GO 4.3, Alberta: Celebrations and Challenges, students demonstrate an understanding of the evolving cultural, economic and social changes in Alberta since 1905 and the impact of these changes on the quality of life of Albertans. Grade 5 In Canada: The Land, Histories and Stories, students explore the history and geography of Canada. Exploring the vastness of Canada as well as the stories and experiences of Canadians allows students to understand and appreciate how the historical and geographical diversity of Canada impacts citizenship and identity. Rather than examining the physical geography and historical events in isolation/separately the exploration of the geography and history of Canada emphasizes connections and stories of the people, over time. Skills and processes outcomes are to be infused within the context and exploration of the general outcomes for Grade 5. In general outcome GO 5.1, Physical Geography of Canada, students examine Canada’s physical geography and environment to determine how they impact the quality of life. In general outcome GO 5.2 Histories and Stories of Ways of Life in Canada, students appreciate the diversity of Canada’s heritage as they investigate the people and stories of Canada and changing ways of life. In general outcome GO 5.3 Canada: Shaping an Identity, students explore how historical events and factors have changed the ways of life in Canada over time and impacted citizenship and individual and collective identities. Grade 6 In Democracy: Action and Participation, students explore the concept of democracy by examining municipal and provincial governments and two historical models of democracy (Ancient Athens and the Iroquois Confederacy). They will understand their rights and responsibilities and examine ways that they can be active, participating citizens today and in the future. They will broaden their understanding of democracy in Canada in order to appreciate how participatory democracy can effect change in their communities. Skills and processes outcomes are to be infused within the context and exploration of the general outcomes for Grade 6. In general outcome GO 6.1 Citizens Participating in Decision Making, students gain a fundamental understanding of democracy. Students analyze federal legislation protecting individual and collective rights and the structure and function of local and provincial governments in Alberta. In general outcome GO 6.2 Historical Models of Democracy: Ancient Athens and the Iroquois Confederacy,students examine democratic principles by analyzing the structure and function of the democratic system in ancient Athens and the Iroquois Confederacy. Grade 7 In Canada: Origins, Histories and Movements of Peoples,students examine the histories, origins and movements of people in Canada. Students acquire an understanding of how Canada has evolved into a diverse, pluralistic society by examining pre- and post-Confederation events. Skills and processes outcomes are to be infused within the context and exploration of the general outcomes for Grade 7. In general outcome GO 7.1 Toward Confederation, students demonstrate an appreciation of the roles of Aboriginal, French and British peoples in forging confederation by analyzing and assessing the pre-Confederation era. In general outcome GO 7.2 Following Confederation: Canadian Expansions, students explore the political, social, economic and demographic changes that have occurred in post-Confederation times. Students will understand more about the challenges and opportunities for individuals and communities by assessing critically the role of the Métis, immigration to the west, the impact of social and political changes on identities, and the impact of urbanization and technology. Grade 8 In Historical Worldviews Examined, students explore issues related to contact between societies with differing worldviews. They examine isolationism in Japan, the origins of a western worldview in Renaissance Europe, and worldviews of the Spanish and Aztecs in conflict, to understand how intercultural contact alters societies. Skills and processes outcomes are to be infused within the context and exploration of the general outcomes for Grade 8. In general outcome GO 8.1 From Isolation to Adaptation: Japan,students analyze the effects of isolation and intercultural contact on Japanese society in the Edo and Meiji periods. In general outcome GO 8.2 Origins of a Western Worldview: Renaissance Europe, students examine the Renaissance to understand and appreciate how a western worldview was shaped through the exchange of ideas and knowledge. In general outcome GO8.3 Worldviews in Conflict: The Spanish and the Aztecs,students critically assess how the Aztecs were affected by the Spanish worldview. Grade 9 In Canada: Opportunities and Challenges, students investigate political and economic issues facing Canadians. Students understand how Canada’s political processes impact citizenship and identity and how economic decision making in Canada and the United States impacts quality of life in these countries. Skills and processes outcomes are to be infused within the context and exploration of the general outcomes for Grade 9. In general outcome GO 9.1 Issues for Canadians: Governance and Rights, students examine the structure of Canada's political system and the role citizens and organizations play in Canada's justice system. Students also critically assess the impact of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the increased demand for recognition of collective rights, and the impact of policies related to immigration issues. In general outcome GO 9.2 Issues for Canadians: Economic Systems in Canada and the United States, students investigate the principles and practices of market and mixed economies. Students also address issues related to consumerism and quality of life as well as assess the relationship between political and economic systems. |
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