Specific Outcome |
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Students will recognize the presence and influence of diverse Aboriginal peoples as inherent to Alberta's culture and identity |
Specific Outcome |
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Students will recognize the history of the French language and the vitality of Francophone communities as integral parts of Alberta's heritage |
Specific Outcome |
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Students will recognize British institutions and peoples as integral parts of Alberta's heritage |
Specific Outcome |
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Students will recognize how the diversity of immigrants from Europe and other continents has enriched Alberta's rural and urban communities |
Specific Outcome |
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Students will demonstrate respect for places and objects of historical significance |
Specific Outcome |
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What do the stories of Aboriginal peoples tell us about their beliefs regarding the relationship between people and the land? |
Specific Outcome |
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In what ways did Francophones establish their roots in urban and rural Alberta (i.e., voyageurs, missionary work, founding institutions, media, politics, commerce)? |
Specific Outcome |
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How did the Métis Nation and Métis settlements contribute to Alberta's identity (i.e., languages, accomplishments)? |
Specific Outcome |
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How did British institutions provide the structure for the settlement of newcomers in Alberta (i.e., North West Mounted Police, schools, lieutenant-governor, Assembly of the Northwest Territories )? |
Specific Outcome |
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How did European immigration contribute to the establishment of communities in Alberta in the late 19th century and early 20th century? |
Specific Outcome 4.S.1.3 |
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Students will re-evaluate opinions to broaden understanding of a topic or an issue |
Specific Outcome 4.S.1.4 |
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Students will generate original ideas and strategies in individual and group activities |
Specific Outcome 4.S.2.1 |
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Students will use photographs and interviews to make meaning of historical information |
Specific Outcome 4.S.3.2 |
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Students will construct graphs, tables, charts and maps to interpret information |
Specific Outcome 4.S.7.4 |
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Students will draw and support conclusions, based on information gathered, to answer a research question |
Specific Outcome 4.S.8.1 |
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Students will organize and present information, taking particular audiences and purposes into consideration |