Social Studies – Grade 4 Close this window
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Artifact Stories

  • Determine the stories that artifacts tell about life for early Albertans.
  • Write a persuasive letter to a curator explaining why a particular artifact deserves to be added to the museum's collection.

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources


Books listed as references have not been reviewed or approved by Alberta Education.

Title: The Anthology of Social Studies: Issue and Strategies for Teachers (“Using Artifacts to Foster Historical Inquiry”)
Author: Farr Darling, Linda
Editor: Case, Roland and Clark, Penney
Published by: Vancouver, BC: Pacific Educational Press, 2008


Title: Where the World Meets the West. Archives Photographs
Host: Glenbow Museum
Description: This website contains 82 000 historical photographs, illustrations, cartoons and posters documenting the people, landscape and development of the Canadian West from the 1870s to the 1970s.
Navigation Tips: Type in Photographs in the Keywords/Phrase box under Search the Catalogue and then click Search to bring up images and pertinent information. Then, click on View Detailed Image under each image to enlarge it.
Note: Search Tips provide information about different ways of searching for specific photographs.


Title: Mavericks: An Incorrigible History of Alberta
Host: Glenbow Museum
Description: This website contains stories of Alberta mavericks, artifacts, historic photographs, maps and documents.
Navigation Tips: Click English to enter the site. View a brief introduction and then click on any one of the 11 topics to access information.
Note: Click on Teacher Resources to access ready-to-use project plans and classroom ideas developed by Alberta teachers.


Title: Peel’s Prairie Provinces
Host: University of Alberta
Description: This website provides a variety of resources about life on the prairies (e.g. photographs, books, etc.). Click on Find Images, and type in key words, such as Alberta history or Rural Alberta to bring up thumbnail images related to the topic.
Navigation Tips: Click on thumbnail images to view them in larger format.



Archaeology and Pre-Contact


Heritage Community Foundation (Now archived by the University of Alberta)


The website provides an overview of archaeology in Alberta.

Navigation Tips:

Scroll down to read the text. Click on headings in the left-hand-side menu or on highlighted words within the text to access additional information.




First Nations and Métis


Heritage Community Foundation (Now archived by the University of Alberta)


This website contains information about First Nations, Métis, and treaties.

Navigation Tips:

Scroll down to access information.



Title: Alberta: Land of Opportunity. Opening of the West
Host: Heritage Community Foundation (Now archived by the University of Alberta)
Description: This website contains information about the history of settlement of Alberta, with historical posters and photographs.
Navigation Tips: Click on the topics in the left-hand-side menu or on the highlighted words in the text to access information.



The Citizen’s Guide to the Alberta Legislature


Legislative Assembly of Alberta


This website contains information about the history of the Alberta Legislature as well as an explanation of the structure of provincial government.

Navigation Tips:

Scroll down to read the text and click on Next Page at the bottom of the screen to continue.



Title: Hudson's Bay Digital Collection
Host: Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature
Description: This website contains a collection of Hudson's Bay Company artifacts of Aboriginal cultures from the Northern Parklands, Prairie and Plains.
Navigation Tips: To access information from the home page, click on index and then click on the categories that appear in the menu.



Museums and Historic Sites


Culture and Community Spirit


This website contains information, images and some virtual tours of 18
Alberta provincial historic sites and museums. Links are provided to the Provincial Archives of Alberta and to the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation.

Navigation Tips:

Click on the name of a museum or a historic site to access information. Note: Click on PDF Map in right-hand corner near the top of the screen to  view a map showing locations of 18 provincial historic sites and museums  in Alberta


Last updated: March 1, 2016 | (Revision History)
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