Social Studies – Grade 4 Close this window
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A Pageant of Alberta's Past

  • Create an accurate profile of an event in Alberta's history, from precontact to the early 20th century, and of the role of one of the historical characters in this event.
  • Develop and present a story of the event and its modern day legacy as part of the Pageant of Alberta.

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources


Title: People and Politics: The People Behind the Process
Host: Heritage Community Foundation (Now archived by the University of Alberta)
Description: This website contains information about individuals or groups that have influenced Alberta government.
Navigation Tips: Click on Provincial Officials under Quick Links and then on Premiers, Lieutenant Governors or Speakers, or click on Political Influentials to access information.


Title: Political Movements and Events: The Events that Shaped a Province
Host: Heritage Community Foundation (Now archived by the University of Alberta)
Description: This website contains information about historical political events that led up to Alberta becoming a province and Edmonton becoming the capital city.
Navigation Tips: Scroll down to read the text or click on headings under Quick Links to access information.


Title: Alberta Archaeological Site Inventory
Host: Alberta Culture
Description: This website contains information about ancient sites and digital images of fossils and native artifacts.
Navigation Tips: Click on the images or highlighted words within the text or on more images in the top right-hand corner to access information.


Title: Alberta: Land of Opportunity. Opening of the West
Host: Heritage Community Foundation (Now archived by the University of Alberta)
Description: This website contains information about the history of settlement of Alberta, with historical posters and photographs.
Navigation Tips: Click on the topics in the menus or on the highlighted words in the text to access information.


Title: A Citizen’s Guide to the Alberta Legislature
Host: Legislative Assembly of Alberta
Description: This website contains information about the history of the Alberta Legislature as well as an explanation of the structure of provincial government.
Navigation Tips: Scroll down to read the text and click on Next Page at the bottom of the screen to continue.


Title: Museums and Historic Sites
Host: Culture and Community Spirit
Description: This website contains a database of Alberta�s provincial historic sites and museums. Links are provided to the Provincial Archives of Alberta and to the Alberta Historical Resources.
Navigation Tips: Click on Map of Alberta with Site Locations at the top of the page to access a map of historic sites and museums. Click on an icon to access additional information about historic sites and museums.
Last updated: March 1, 2016 | (Revision History)
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