Social Studies – Grade 5 Close this window
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Leaving Their Mark

Rank place names that best represent the historical and modern presence of a cultural group.

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources


Title: Origins of Canada’s Geographical Names
Host: Natural Resources Canada
Description: This website contains information about names of Canada’s provinces, territories, capital cities, major centres and Aboriginal communities. It also provides a variety of articles on interesting and curious names across the country.
Navigation Tips: Scroll down and click on the highlighted terms or search by clicking on a selection under GeoNames Query on the left-hand side of the screen.


Title: The Kids' Site of Canadian Settlement
Host: Library and Archives Canada
Description: This website contains information and activities related to early settlement communities in Canada for students in grades 4–6.
Navigation Tips: Click on Explore the Communities and then select a specific settlement community. Click on the topics in the left-hand-side menu for additional resources, links, activities and games.


Title: Knight’s Canadian Info Collection Presents: How Canada’s Provinces/Territories and Capital Cities Got their Names
Host: Knight’s Canadian Info Collection
Description: This website contains information about the origins of various Canadian place names.
Navigation Tips: Scroll down to access information or click on a highlighted place name for direct access.


Title: List of place names in Canada of Aboriginal origin
Host: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Description: This website contains information about numerous Canadian place names of Aboriginal origin.
Navigation Tips: Click on highlighted terms within the text or scroll down and click on a specific place name to access information.
Last updated: March 1, 2016 | (Revision History)
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