Social Studies – Grade 9 Close this window
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Consumerism to the Nth Degree

Prepare a press release that states a negotiated position on the extent to which we should embrace consumerism.

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources


Books listed as references have not been reviewed or approved by Alberta Education.

Title: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
Description: This self-help and management book presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centred approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, the author reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, service and human dignity—principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.
Author/Editor: Stephen R. Covey
Published by: New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1990


Title: Consumerism
Host: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Description: This website contains a definition of consumerism and arguments for and against consumerism.
Navigation Tips: Click on links to access related information.


Title: The Gods Must Be Crazy
Host: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Description: This website contains background information about the 1980 film, The Gods Must Be Crazy.The fictional movie portrays what happens when a traditional bushman lifestyle is exposed to Western culture. 
Navigation Tips: Click on links to access related information.


Title: Overcoming consumerism
Description: This website contains information on how consumerism affects society, the economy and the environment, and discusses alternatives to consumerism. The Alternate Economy model and recycling are also discussed.
Navigation Tips: Scroll down to access information and click on links to access additional information.


Title: As Consumerism Spreads, Earth Suffers, Study Says
Host: National Geographic
Description: This website contains a news article that examines the trend of developing countries catching up to Western countries' unsustainable levels of consumerism. This trend is leading to a degradation of the environment and decreasing levels of health and happiness.
Navigation Tips: Scroll down to access complete article.


Title: Sustainable Communities Network
Host: Sustainable Communities Network (SCN)
Description: This website contains information about the Sustainable Communities Network, which promotes sustainable communities, protecting natural resources and smart growth.
Navigation Tips: Click on Guide to the SCN in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen   to access a guided tour.


Title: Behind Consumption and Consumerism
Host: Global Issues
Description: This website contains an article by Anup Shah in which he uses the United Nations statistics to illustrate the inequality in consumption between the richest and poorest countries in the world.
Navigation Tips: Click on links in the text to access source documents or use the menu on the left to access related topics.


Title: Buy Nothing Day
Host: Adbusters
Description: This website contains information about Buy Nothing Day, a 24-hour moratorium on consumer spending. Adbusters is a global network of artist, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs, whose goal is to create social change.
Navigation Tips: Click on icons to access related information.


Title: The underground economy
Host: Canada Revenue Agency
Description: This website defines what the underground economy is and why it is illegal to participate in it.
Navigation Tips: Scroll down to read the text or click on links to access specific sections.


Title: Main Page
Host: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Description: This website contains reference information on such topics as globalization, free-market economics and anti-globalization.
Navigation Tips: Enter a search term, e.g., globalization, in the search box on the left-hand  side of the screen and click on Go to access an article related to the search term or click on Search to access a complete list of related articles.


Title: Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy
Host: Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
Description: This website contains a complete netcast of the PBS television program Commanding Heights. Episodes are subdivided into captioned chapters and have enhanced interactive content. Globalization, world trade, economic development, and the forces, values, events and ideas that have shaped the present global economic systems are examined. A database of countries, an educator's guide, print resources and related links are also provided.
Navigation Tips: Click menu items to access related information or enter a search term in the search box.
Last updated: July 1, 2014 | (Revision History)
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