Well-being: Observing Practice Activity
Total Time: Approx. 60 minutes
Participants review Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and then watch a 40-minute video on the influence of Blackfoot culture on Maslow’s ideas. Participants then record their responses to the video on sticky notes and post them for a gallery walk.
The strategies in this activity can be adapted for Observing Practice activities in other topic areas. Word documents may be revised as needed.
Activity 1: Discussion of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Post a chart of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. For reference, see Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs . Form pairs and ask participants to discuss their understanding of Maslow’s ideas. In a large group review the major features of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Activity 2: View the Video Influence of Blackfoot Culture on Western Thought
Overview of the video: The question, “How has Blackfoot culture influenced Western thought?” guided research by Narcisse Blood and Ryan Heavy Head of Red Crow Community College. After uncovering first-hand knowledge of how young Abraham Maslow was influenced by his stay in 1938 with the Siksika People, Ryan Heavy Head and Narcisse Blood developed a presentation that shows Maslow missed something important that would have explained why such a large number of Siksika people were self-actualized. These video excerpts are from a two-hour presentation at the University of Alberta in November 2010. Other presentations on this topic can be accessed online at Red Crow Community College. (38:26 minutes)
Activity 3: Gallery Walk
Materials: Large sticky notes and pens
Overview of Gallery Walk: Participants record their ideas on sticky notes and post them on the wall charts by topic. Participants walk around the room and review the notes before gathering in a large group to discuss what they read.
Ask participants to respond and record their thoughts regarding the following questions:
- What did you learn from the video?
- What do you think about the child-rearing practices that were described?
- What would be the effect of having many self-actualized people in a community?
- How could we “Indigenize” colleges and universities?
After posting their sticky notes, participants return to the large group and review the ideas that were posted. As a follow-up, record all the information on the sticky notes and forward copies to the participants.