Guide to Career and Technology Studies (CTS)
How Does a Good Health and Safety Culture Grow?
Development of an organization’s safety culture happens in stages. As the level of health and safety awareness and activity increases, a health and safety culture builds. Over time, safety becomes a natural part of doing business.
By fostering health and safety awareness across the entire learning environment, students develop a positive attitude about personal safety and the safety of others. This attitude becomes an integral part of their persona and transfers beyond the classroom to both personal life and work life.
A safety culture is developed through safety awareness and safe work practices, which are developed and modelled through
- responsibility and accountability throughout the school jurisdiction (safety is a core value)
- strong leadership
- safe and healthy attitudes and behaviours
- staff modelling
- expectations of high standards
- mutual trust
- formal instruction
- demonstrations
- timely response to safety issues
- practice
Under Alberta Occupational Health and Safety legislation, the health and safety of individuals and the environment is protected by law. Every employer is obligated to take reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of its workers. Every supervisor and manager must do the same. Every worker is held personally responsible to work with regard for the health and safety of themselves and others. All workers have the right to know about the hazardous materials they may come in contact with, to be protected from injury, and to receive proper care and attention if they do become involved in an accident. As the teacher and/or instructor, you have undertaken the same responsibility to ensure the health and safety of students while they are under your instruction.