“The single most dynamic influence on the brain’s chemistry may
be positive feedback, which is essential for the development of a good self-concept
– Robert Sylwester, Emeritus Professor of Education,
University of Oregon
We all need positive reinforcement. Whether or not we are consciously aware
of it, reinforcement is the reason we continue to do many things.
Providing students with something they value in order to increase a desired
behaviour can be as simple as offering a smile or as complex as setting up
a token system. Personal recognition lets students know that teachers are interested
in them and how they behave, and are concerned about supporting them in making
positive changes in their behaviour and learning. Positive reinforcement also
helps to build positive relationships by modelling appropriate ways of interacting
with others.
Choose effective reinforcers
Effective positive reinforcement:
- is age-appropriate
- is at the student’s level of functioning
- has administrative and parental support
- is genuine.
Even extravagant rewards cannot motivate students to demonstrate skills they
have not learned or do not understand.
Positive reinforcement works best when given immediately after the desired
behaviour, or as soon as possible. If the desired behaviour increases as a
result, then the reinforcement was positive. If not, then reinforcement did
not occur. Many teachers set up a monitoring system to measure whether desired
behaviours are increasing.
Watch for unintended consequences. For example, if students engage in negative
behaviour to get attention and the teacher’s response provides that attention,
the negative behaviour will likely increase.
Specific reinforcers that work for one student or one group of students may
not work for another. Finding appropriate reinforcers requires careful attention
and an understanding of individual student needs. Be alert for students’ interests.
Typical reinforcers include extra recess time, extra computer time, caring
for a class pet or using special art supplies. Ask students, parents, last
year’s teachers and other staff what might be an effective reinforcer for a
particular student.
Have students complete a checklist of reinforcers to identify the rewards
they would like to earn, or create a reinforcement sampler from which students
can choose. A sampler menu containing a variety of reinforcers also keeps students
Always give the reinforcer after the desired behaviour, never before. If the
desired behaviour does not occur and the reinforcer has already been given,
the result can be conflict and oppositional behaviour.
Effective reinforcers:
- are provided immediately after the behaviour has occurred
- are provided frequently
- are paired with a clear verbal description of the behaviour
- are delivered with enthusiasm
- are varied enough to maintain interest
- are delivered continuously at first, and then more intermittently later
- can happen on a fixed schedule; e.g., every time a behaviour is observed,
or on a variable schedule; e.g., every third time a behaviour is observed
- fade out over time; that is, begin combining material rewards or privileges
with social reinforcement and eventually replace material rewards and privileges
with social reinforcement such as praise.
Social reinforcement
A smile, comment and/or compliment can go a long way toward increasing or
maintaining positive student behaviour. Many students need significant amounts
of social reinforcement and positive attention.
Walking around the classroom gives the teacher opportunities to socially reinforce
positive behaviour (and to anticipate and proactively handle problems). Being
at the door to greet students as they arrive and spending at least half the
class time walking among students as they work is perhaps the easiest and most
proactive approach a teacher can take to reinforce positive classroom behaviour.
Tangible reinforcement
Many inexpensive, tangible reinforcers are available, including puzzle books,
portable board games, sidewalk chalk, playing cards and squishy balls.
Build anticipation
Many reinforcement strategies build motivation (and possibly excitement) around
an expected behaviour. When students know what reinforcement they can expect
if they demonstrate a particular behaviour, the desired behaviour is likely
to occur more quickly and more often.
Anticipation strategies come before the behaviour occurs and serve to increase
or maintain that behaviour.
- Tell students what types of behaviour you are looking for.
- Tell them what will happen if they demonstrate this behaviour.
- When they demonstrate the behaviour, give them immediate positive feedback
and the reinforcer.
Develop self-management skills
Once a student is doing a consistently good job of demonstrating appropriate
behaviour with teacher support, it is time to develop the student’s self-management
skills. In this process, the teacher initially provides direction and then
gradually turns the lead over to the student.
Explain exactly what behaviour the student will monitor and how progress will
be assessed; for example, by counting and recording the incidents of positive
behaviour. Students may find examples helpful, and they will likely require
some guided practice. One method of monitoring is to have students put a plus
mark on a chart each time they demonstrate a desired behaviour. They can start
monitoring for short periods such as 15-minute intervals and gradually increase
the monitoring time to 30 and then 60 minutes, or to one class period.
Randomly check the student’s accuracy and build in rewards for accurate counting
and recording. For example, at the outset try giving bonus rewards when the
teacher’s record matches the student’s.
Give students ample opportunities to practise self-management, and continually
provide positive, corrective feedback.
Self-reinforcement can also be part of an increasingly independent behaviour
support program. For example, after comparing their behaviour results with
the teacher’s, students could give themselves one extra minute of computer
time for each “cooperates with others” behaviour recorded.
Self-management skills make students less dependent on the teacher and better
able to actively improve their own performance, both in the classroom and in
other parts of their lives.