Table of Contents
“Small things done consistently in strategic places make change happen.” – Cile Chavez, Author
The most effective way to effect change is to use a flexible approach, with overlapping and interrelated steps that promote continuous improvement. The following sample process describes steps that many schools are taking to develop, implement and monitor a school-wide approach to positive behaviour supports. Step 1: Develop a core teamA positive behaviour support system requires a core team of dedicated staff members who will:
Team members need to have leadership abilities and the respect of colleagues. They also need skills in effective communication, team building and collaborative problem solving. Team members could include:
The core team will require adequate support and resources so that they can meet regularly over a two- to three-year period. Change will happen if school staff are committed to the process for at least 36 months. Some schools find that half-day or full-day meetings are most productive, and they often separate these longer sessions by at least one month. This allows time for initial planning as well as developing and using various strategies. The core team will need to help staff and parents develop an understanding of:
Step 2: Assess the school’s current culture, strengths and needsBefore a school-wide positive behaviour support system is introduced, it is important to systematically assess the school’s strengths and needs, and its culture (that is, the underlying set of beliefs, values, traditions and norms that have evolved and that determine how people think and behave). School culture also includes the way teachers and other staff members work together.
A comprehensive school assessment generally involves two or three sources of data. For example:
Step 3: Build staff consensusSince the success of a positive behaviour approach depends on the active participation of members of the school community, the majority of staff must support the initiative. All staff will have leadership roles. The literature suggests that an effective school-wide behaviour support system requires that at least 80 percent of the school staff acknowledge the existence of problem behaviour and commit to sustained involvement over the long term. Professional learning community (PLC)When our school began developing an effective behaviour support approach, we realized the importance of staff support. All teachers and teacher assistants on staff have the opportunity to provide input into our behaviour support climate committee. We use a collaborative decision-making process that involves analyzing data on both positive and inappropriate behaviour. There was some skepticism at first. Staff thought the administration of the process would be too much. However, through our Professional Learning Community work, including professional development presentations by regional behaviour experts, staff became more committed to the approach. We developed data graphs showing the results of the approach so parents were more aware of how well it was working. We also worked with students to develop an acronym to help them remember behavioural expectations. The school motto became “Be a STAR!” and the letters in STAR stood for “Stop, Think, Act Right!” We feel that by keeping the staff engaged through professional learning opportunities, and by using the effective behaviour support system, we are helping our students develop strong moral intelligence and act out their beliefs in positive ways. – Principal, junior/senior high school