Premier ministre William Aberhart

Voir quelles ressources ou activit�s sont disponibles (en anglais seulement)
- Ideology and the News Media (full version).
This resource focuses on ideology, political power, and rights
and freedoms in a democratic society. The main assignment is to
write an editorial based on Premier William Aberhart's (Social
Credit Party) radio address in which he promotes the adoption
of the The Accurate News and Information Act. The editorial
writing assignment is carried out in a virtual
newsroom where students interact with an editor, copy editor,
political correspondent, reporter, photographer, cartoonist and
librarian. (en anglais seulement)
- Ideology and
the News Media ("lite" version).
This "lite" version has
all of the required resources
and graphics. However,
a number of the special
effects have been stripped
out to allow it to play
more efficiently on older,
slower computers. (en
anglais seulement)